Thursday, July 12, 2012

First time...

Yesterday was my first time going to the public library here in Cleveland.  I went with Ashley Werkheiser and she showed me the ropes.  I got my first library card there too :)  it was SO EXCITING!!!!!  It really is such a beautiful library and has so many different sections that I could get lost in!

We first went to the Fiction section and looked up some of our favorite authors.  I went straight to Karen Kingsbury; she's my all time favorite fiction author!  I decided not to get any of those.  I went to the catalog to look up a book by David Wilkerson and we had to go upstairs to the Non-Fiction section and I found the book I was looking for "The Cross and the Switch Blade".  I'll get back to the book in a minute.  Well then I decided to look some other authors that I've heard are really good and it took me to the "religious" section.  I looked up and I was AMAZED at what I saw. 

Maybe some people would not get excited about that but I sure did!  The third book take a look at the author..It's by Raymond Pruitt which is Brother Robert J. Pruitt's brother.  To think...our history in the public library!  The truth found in a PUBLIC library!  I was just so excited I had to sneak a picture!!!!!!!!!  Even if the old ladies were watching us I still had to steal a picture of this. 

Ok so back to "The Cross and the Switch Blade"...I've not been able to put the book down today.  I'm just about finished with it.  I started reading it this morning and I just can't put it down.  It's such an encouragement to me.  I love the work of the Youth; I love praying in the altars with them and seeing God change them!  I love being able to listen to them if they are struggling with something and just need someone to talk to.  I just love being there for them.  I want the same faith and boldness that David Wilkerson had.  Don't get me wrong I'm not planning on going out into the streets of New York as a young lady and talk to gang memebers; God has given me some commen sense.  :)  But I do want more faith in my own personal life in working with souls around us.  Sis Mary's class during Family Camp keeps coming back to my mind...we underestimate the power of God.  We ask but yet we don't believe that He's capable of fulfilling His word!  One thing that David Wilkerson points out is and I've thought about it so often that anytime we see a miracle or healing take place in the word of God there was first action that took place as a step of faith of what Christ was about to do.  God help me to trust you that you will open every door so that I can work and remain in your will.  I want all doubt gone and faith to rise up completely taking it's place! 

We have a huge world around us to reach and I want to do everything I can.  I've always felt like Moses that said "Who am I" but really it's not "I" it's the Holy Ghost power working through this vessel that God is working on.  Once again I don't want to under estimate God's power...He saved my soul and He wants to do the same in others lives.  God help me.  I'm thankful that I have finally got to read this book.  For so long i've heard that it's a wonderful book I've just never found it in any book stores I've been but I'm so thankful that I found it at the Library.  David Wilkerson was a faithful preacher of the truth; if you go on you tube and listen to some of his messages it reminds me of the old time preachers that weren't afraid of their congregations leaving but they had the fear of God.  I especially love to listen to "A Call to Anguish" that he preached.  It will convict you; or at least it did me!

Ok there's my blog post :)  I just wanted every to feel my excitement of my field trip to the library! 


  1. AMEN! I want to step out in faith so I can see more miracles!
    You could have found "The Cross and the Switchblade" at my house. At least I THINK I still have it. I read it when I was very young and it was a blessing to me. I met Nicky Cruz once when I was in my early 20s. Nicky wrote a book called, "Run, Baby, Run."
    I was just reading a quote from A. J. Tomlinson a couple of days ago talking about how the Lord had used him to rediscover the Church of the last days. He was emphasizing that he was not boasting, that he was unworthy and didn't know why God chose to use him, but He did and if it hadn't been him it would have been someone else. God does the choosing. We just have to be willing vessels.
    Thanks for the great post!

    1. Was "Run, Baby, Run" good? I'm always so careful about what I read that isn't church books. I'll have to see if I can find it in the library.

      How is Mexico going? I hope you're at least getting some rest there!
      Love you!

  2. I really don't remember much about the book. If I remember right, it's basically Nicky Cruz's testimony of how he was raised and was a gang member, then got saved through David Wilkerson's ministry.
    The Mexico Convention was really, really good! We were abundantly blessed even though we couldn't understand but a fraction of what was being said. We understood the Spirit of the Lord! Rest? Not much. Maybe next week?
